Thursday, October 13, 2011

PreGame 36 GHOE Edition (clean)

Shout outs to alllllll my AGGIES across the world coming to the Greatest Homecoming On Earth better known as GHOE!  This mix is for you all to pop in your cd players, iPods, mp3 players, cell phones, iPads whatever you may have.

Physical copies of the mix are available while they last during GHOE.  Please note it will be one track so that you can upload to a computer or iPod, mp3 player, etc.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Homecoming Season Guideline #1 - Today is the first day of Homecoming season BUT its also the 1st of the month which means RENT/ MORTGAGE is due. Pay that thennnnn you can party. How you going to bring that 1 night stand home and the locks have been changed or the power off?
Homecoming Season Guideline #2 - please understand that if you still in college Homecoming is NOT for you. It is for the ALUMNI to come home and party, hence the word HOMECOMING. WE RUN THIS NOT Y'ALL. Big ups to all my Aggie Alum AGGGGIIIIIEEEEEE PRIDEEEEEE!!!!!
Homecoming Season Guideline #3 - keep in mind there is a chance you will run into some folks you didn't like when you were in college. Just wave and keep it moving no need to stop and have small talk save that for facebook and twitter.
Homecoming Season Guideline #4 - if you only made it through ONE semester STOP faking like you're an Alum. Your homecomings are still high school related.
Homecoming Season Guideline #5 - paraphernalia bought on the streets does not go towards supporting the school. Buy your stuff from the BOOKSTORE or INSIDE the stadium. And y'all be wondering why tuition keeps increasing.
Homecoming Season Guideline #6 - IF YOU ARE NOT GREEK KEEP YO SIMPLE BEHIND OFF THE PLOTS. We don't step on your family member's grave so please stay off the plots unless you are invited on to them. Yes we have food & drinks but that is primarily for members and friends we invite not random moochers that are too cheap to pay for food from the vendors.  
Homecoming Season Guideline #7 - if you BROKE..... KEEP YO BUTT AT HOME!!
Homecoming Season Guideline #8 - ladies if ya man gets a hug from a female don't automatically think it is someone he was smashing back in the day. If you're secure with yours you'd realize you the one he smashing now not her. Besides if he brought you out to GHOE he must be somewhat proud of you to take you out in public.  Sit yo insecure butt down somewhere and eat a Turkey Leg.
Homecoming Season Guideline #9 - do not complain about the price of homecoming party tix for HBCUs. We all know pre-sale tix have been on sale for like a month stop complaining b/c you were being a slack azz and waited til 12am to go to the club.
Homecoming Season Guideline #10 - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY owns the title GHOE all others please get over it. A lot of y'all have really good ones but the true PRIDE & TRADITION goes to us. AGGIE PRIDE!!!!!!!
Homecoming Season Guideline #11 - RESPECT the old heads. They can tell you things about how campus used to be.
Homecoming Season Guideline #12 - if you have kids.... PLEASE WATCH THEIR BAD AZZ. If they run out into the middle of the parade b/c you too busy trying to update your fb status don't yell at them its YOUR FAULT for NEGLECTING them.
Homecoming Season Guideline #13 - this applies to A&T... just b/c you live near campus doesn't mean you can charge folks to park at your house. Last time I checked the City of Greensboro owns the first 5 feet of your property anyway. Sit on your porch and sip your sugar water.
Homecoming Season Guideline #14 - keep in mind porta-johns may end up being your best friend. Keep a small bottle of sanitizer with you at all times.
Homecoming Season Guideline #15 - ladies if you must wear heels please shut the h*ll up about your feet hurting. You knew your butt was going to be walking and standing for long periods of time. Stand there and look nice for us and we will return the favor by buying you a drink that night or maybe even a foot rub.  Better yet bring yo azz a bag of Epsom Salt.
Homecoming Season Guideline #16 - if you are around the Food Lion on E. Market St. please do not be rude to Crackhead Jean. She cool peeps and loves Aggies
Homecoming Season Guideline #17 - don't complain about the students being crazy if you sit your azz in the student section. We all know Aggies will wild out win or lose. That is just that GOOD OL' AGGIE SPIRIT
Homecoming Season Guideline #18 - DO NOT show up to A&T's Homecoming with another school (Tar Heels, Florida St. Clemson, Etc.) shirt on (other than the clowns we playing whoever they are lol) . You will look dumb as h*ll surround by a bunch of Blue & Gold Aggies ready to slap you
Homecoming Season Guideline #19 - do realize homecoming is in the FALL not the SUMMER... It may feel good during the day but once that sun go down those short shorts and tank top will be your enemy ladies. Fellas please keep your shirt on.
Homecoming Season Guideline #20 - when in the clubs please understand there are ppl from all over there. You ARE going to hear music from N, S, E, W so get over it
Homecoming Season Guideline #21 - to all my Greeks just b/c its homecoming doesn't give you the right to wear double paraphernalia.
Homecoming Season Guideline #22 - GREEKS PLEASE DO NOT BE THROWING UP OTHER ORG'S SIGNS. You joined your organization for a reason. Why hold up another org's sign in your pictures? I rep ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. and NOTHING else.
Homecoming Season Guideline #23 - GREEKS its cool to reflect on what you did back in college HOWEVER its even better if you can talk about what you are doing NOW for your organization. We all made a LIFE LONG commitment that we must uphold.  Those college days swiftly pass.
Homecoming Season Guideline #24 - if you don't have fun at Homecoming BLAME YOURSELF... as much food, drinks, games, parties, people, and everything else going on you have no reason to be bored
Homecoming Season Guideline #25 - pay close attention to the BAND they may just be the highlight of your weekend
Homecoming Season Guideline #26 - ladies instead of buying that Coach, LV, or Fendi bag, shades, shoes, clutch, WHATEVERRR it is... take your butt to the flea market and hit up one of them. No need to spend all your money on something you going to rock at night knowing you won't rock it again. Aint like we (dudes) care lol we just want YOU
Homecoming Season Guideline #27 - FELLAS if your daily car is a Kia don't rent a Bentley thinking it is going to make you cool for the weekend. If you can't get a ladies' attention without a nice car you need to invest some time in social skills. Those are FREE and will get you more action than a car. They just want to ride anyway and I'm not talking about you
Homecoming Season Guideline #28 - please wrap it up... we all know you trying to get it in for homecoming just be safe and protect yourself and others.
Homecoming Season Guideline #29 - keep in mind CHURCH is on SUNDAY... alllllll that money you spend on drinks better not be more than what you putting in that collection plate. "the Lord knows my heart" yeaaaa well he know your pockets too
Homecoming Season Guideline #30 - keep in mind that Christmas is only 2 months away. Plan accordingly. I would hate to see your child, boo, hubby, cutty buddy, etc. mad b/c you spent your whole life savings at homecoming.
Homecoming Season Guideline #31 - please know your school's chants before you look crazy. GO! GO AGGIES, HEYYYYYYY HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Homecoming Season Guideline #32 - keep in mind traffic is going to be a beast. There is no need for you to complain b/c that is not going to make it go any faster. Sit your impatient a** there and be thankful you are even alive to witness homecoming.

Homecoming Season Guideline #33 - there are only a few days left til the #GHOE hit the malls ASAP

Homecoming Season Guideline #34 - we all know a bunch of you plan on drinking "water" while you tailgate... please be careful. We are all trying to making it to #GHOE 2012
Homecoming Season Guideline #35 - The Team 6 Mixsquad is taking over for almost EVERY HBCU homecoming.
Homecoming Season Guideline #36 - don't do something dumb to get locked up... folks will be too drunk/ hungover to try and focus enough to get you out
Homecoming Season Guideline #37 - fellas make sure you ask for a PHOTO ID from all ladies. I would hate for y'all to get caught up messing with a chick from Dudley High School b/c you thought she went to A&T. (for those that don't know Dudley has the same colors as A&T and their lil behinds be on campus all the darn time)

Homecoming Season Guideline #38 - ladies just to let you know if you don't want certain attention don't wear certain things. DUHHH
Homecoming Season Guideline #39 - ladies make sure your weaves are done correctly... pictures tell everything
Homecoming Season Guideline #40 - every party is the official afterparty smh. Pick one and enjoy it.